The rainbow blocks have been rediscovered by the kids and they spent nearly an hour building outside in the sun with them or using them as glasses and viewing everything in a different color!

When we moved back inside we transitioned the blocks to the window and the kids were amazed to discover that they produced colored shadows on the wall right by the table! They had a great time trying to “touch” the shadows with their own shadows and hands, as well as building new towers and watching how the shadows changed too!!

We LOVE these rainbow blocks! I have two sets and we usually use them outside or on the light table. If you don’t have these you could easily do this activity with shapes cut from transparent file folders or dividers! Just tape them to a window and have fun manipulating the shadows they create! 🙂
We also used the colored shadows for a color matching activity you can find here
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Oh, what fun!! Those look wonderful! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!