I have a huge fascination with the light table. Honestly I think I may have more fun with it than the kids do sometimes!
My husband has grand ideas to create a better light table but the follow through takes time so I don’t expect it anytime soon. I had grown tired of the multi colored lights I’ve been using with my first DIY Light Table and put it away for awhile. But lately I’ve been seeing Christmas lights, since all our local stores have started selling Christmas products, and it got me thinking about tweaking the light table!
On a quick run to Home Depot with my husband I found myself scanning the Christmas lights section. After looking at all the lights I decided to go the rope lights route but they only had one strand, a flashy led outdoor light kit upwards of $50 and that was not worth it. Thankfully an associate told me they have a whole display of rope lights (all different colors and sizes) in the lighting department.
I ended up deciding on a strand of white rope lights (seen here) as my box isn’t super large and I didn’t want to pay more than $20 for the lights (These ones were around $8 at my store).
Same concept as my original idea, I flipped one of my bins from my IKEA trofast toy shelf (any storage container would work but I recommend using a frosted style) and put the lights underneath to create my light table.
I think this time it worked out better, a longer strand of rope lights might have made it a bit better (they were out of stock) but its been so cloudy and rainy here the last few weeks that its fairly dark in the house without lights on and it seems to be enough.
I had found 4 packs of these {affiliate link} transparent pattern tiles at goodwill awhile back and we decided to break them out on the new light table! The kids had a great time!