Fall is here! Let’s make some pumpkin pie scented playdough!
Have you ever made homemade playdough? I prefer making my own playdough to buying it in-store because I can make larger batches for my daycare kids. I also can customize our homemade playdough and add scents or make fun colors! This pumpkin pie scented playdough is a perfect example of how fun homemade playdough can be! We love to make it around the start of fall through the Thanksgiving holiday.
Pumpkin Pie Scented Playdough Recipe
Playdough is easier to make than you think. Don’t be scared off! It only takes a few basic ingredients and a few minutes on the stove to create. Check out my recipe below:
- 1 cup Flour
- ¼ cup Salt
- ½ Tbsp. Vegetable Oil
- 1 cup water
- 1 tsp. Cream of Tartar
- ½ tsp. Nutmeg
- ½ tsp Allspice
- 1 tsp. Ginger
- 1 tsp. Cinnamon
- Orange food coloring
If you don’t have the spices above you can also just purchase “pumpkin pie” seasoning at your local grocery store which contains all of the above spices. Saves you from having to buy a whole jar of spice you will only use a teaspoon or so of.
How to Make Playdough
In a large pot, combine all dry ingredients and mix well. Then add in vegetable oil, food coloring, and water, stir. When adding the food coloring (not pictured), I only added a drop of two of orange at a time and mixed until I got the color I was looking for. I find it easier to get the color to blend if I add the food coloring to the water prior to combining in the bowl but sometimes (like when I made this) I forget.
Cook over medium heat until the dough pulls away from pot and starts to become dry. When it begins to form a ball and does not have a wet or sticky look to it remove it from the heat.
I dump mine from the pan onto a cutting board. Let it cool until it is just cool enough for you to touch.
Knead the warm dough until it is smooth and has the consistency of typical playdough. If the dough feels too sticky simply knead in a Tbsp of flour until it is no longer sticky.
That’s it! Now it’s time to play!
This pumpkin pie scented playdough smells soooo good! My daughter and the daycare kids love to smell it but they’ve never tried to take more than one taste. It may smell yummy but it sure doesn’t taste like pumpkin pie! I’ve seen recipes that call for ready-made pumpkin pie filling but my daughter is still in a “tasting” phase and I didn’t want to take any chances that it might taste even the slightest bit yummy.
We still have our Apple Pie Playdough so they got to make both apple and pumpkin pie. I store our playdough in a large ziplock bag when not in use. If stored in an airtight container or bag this playdough can easily last a few months.
In addition to the play dough, I gave the kids small pie tins and playdough tools. They had a great time making pumpkin and apple pies for their friends. They pretended to have a pie shop and spend many hours this week working with the playdough.

Do you have a favorite scented playdough? Candy Cane is my favorite but I really like this pumpkin pie scented playdough too!
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